Thursday, March 6, 2008

Memory Project

At the 'Spoon is a great collection of pieces based on memory. How we remember, what memories are, and what we remember are all explored by various artists. Our assignment: get inspired and make our own piece about memory. I chose to focus on how memory functions - more specifically, how you can remember where you were during important events. My mom can tell me where she was when JFK was assassinated, and I can recall exactly what I was doing when I found out about 9/11. Because its art, not a scientific diagram, I have used my own interpretation of what memory would look like... if it were an etching.

Dry-Point Etching

"Memory 1"
Drypoint Etching Double printed on Digital Print

"Memory 2"
Drypoint Etching on Digital Print

For those Design Majors out there

My friend Lindsey pointed me in this blogs direction. When Photoshop goes wrong...

Photoshop Disasters

How Soft - Conversation/Digital Etchings

"How Soft"
Hard Ground Etching

"How Soft - Rocket"
Hard Ground Etching on Digital Print

"How Soft - Math"
Hard Ground Etching on Digital Print

Original images: